Hooray for Birthdays, our personal days of celebration!
Is there anything better than a cake with our name it? Here one sits ready for the celebrating to begin!
This little lion has certainly heard his share of Happy Birthday choruses over his 50+ years of being in our family's drawer of birthday treasures. He was originally a part of a larger group of circus animals. At one time there were giraffes, donkeys, and elephants, but now only a few of the herd remain. One by one I rotate them through the cake parade at our house. They never disappoint and are always in style. Other themes may come and go, but the vintage blue birthday parade lives on. Thank you mom! What a sweet touch of childhood this little candle holder is.
We can find cards on the shelves of the grocery store. There are stacks of every kind...funny, serious, sentimental, religious, corny...you name it, it's there. But, I think the best cards of all are the cards with your name on the envelope! Early, late, or right on time...there's nothing like a little love in an envelope that you can hold on to and tuck away to re-read over and over again.
We set the scene for our birthday celebrating with the china plates and silver forks.
Tonight we use the china we got when Marc and I were married. Not alot of fussiness about them, and not alot of fan fare went in to their choosing. The thought of registering for the fine china at the mall was a little too high brow for us. You know the kind, the ones that are bought one place setting at a time. And even if we could settle on one set, who did we know who would spend that kind of money on a set of dishes? No, we found these beauties all packed and ready to go home with us. We bought the entire set for @ $40...back in the day. And 33 years later they still have a way of turning a special day into a celebration.
The silver belonged to my parents, Granny & Papa :) When we seperated the household treasures after my mother died, the set became mine. So many special tables of my childhood have been set with these forks. And so many more will be set in the years to come.
In our family, choosing the dinner is the Birthday tradition. My favorite meal was always my mom's homemade pizza. There was something about the crispy crust, hand grated cheese, summer sausage and special sauce ~ I do miss those pizzas! But mom didn't leave behind a recipe. The making of the pizza was an automatic for her. She made it all from memory, there no need for a recipe card. Yet now, there is no way to duplicate it. Still I keep searching for the elusive pizza recipe with the unique combination of everything wonderfully familiar!
For Danny, the dinner of choice was, hands down, Olive Garden lasagna, and Black Tie Mousse Cake. Yummy!
What gift do you get for the brother who has everything? Billy gave to Danny the sweetest gift of all...Swedish fish and Snickers! If it really is the thought that counts, then this is one sweet thought!
When you put all the pieces together, you have "Happy Birthday! Danny" Light the candle, we are ready to begin!
....blow out the candle and make a wish!
May all your wishes come true :)
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