Facebook is an amazing tool. Through it I have been able to stay in touch with family and friends who live far from me. In an instant I can "chat" with them, see their posted pictures, and hear what is going on in their lives. Through it we can connect with our communities in ways we never could before, we can become fans of scattered causes and attend "events" that would be impossible to attend given cost and distance restrictions.
Red Envelope Day is one such event. I don't even remember now which one of my friends "invited" me, but I do know that since the day I responded, I have been waiting for today. I prepared my envelope, glued it shut, and added a stamp...and waited for today.
Today we could join across the miles to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves. They asked us to address an empty red envelope to the President of the United States..and on the outside write...."This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion. It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be part of our world."
They asked us to mail them out on March 31, 2009, "Red Envelope Day" as a sign to the President that life is precious, that abortions are murder, and that we really do still care for the life of the unborn. So from all corners of the country our envelopes have made their way to Washington, DC to the doorstep of the President. Little red envelopes, on their own, perhaps no grand deal....but one by one, they have added up to thousands sent and that is quite an event!
Strange sort of celebration at first blush. But in the end of it all, we know that Jesus does love the little children, that He died for all the little children and that He Lives! for all the little children.
And THAT message of His salvation to all of His children is the best Celebration of them all!
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