In one short, but incredibly long, week...they will be here.
The planning that has been months in the dreaming stage will very soon be complete.
There is so much still to do to get ready...rooms to tidy, trinkets to set out, final plans to complete...and though it will be over seemingly before it begins...all the planning will be worth it.
Tomorrow I will make the final lists: Things to do, places to see, treasures to buy, memories to capture.
The celebration of a summer vacations yet to come has begun...this will be Blake's first summer vacation to see Grammy & Grampa...and we can hardly wait!
The celebration of waiting for something wonderful...yes, this has been one of the best kinds of days!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Peggy's Pretty Peonies

Something so wonderfully sweet just happened. Peggy brought some of her pretty peonies from Windy Hill Farm in to me at the office.
And in perfect Peggy form, they were nestled in a chipped Chicken Broth Can that she had painted a lovely shade of Robin's Egg Blue. She must have painted it long ago because as it sits now, there are lovely worn spots of the silver can peaking through in a random pattern that only a well worn vase can show. She uses these cans to display the pretty blooms in her roadside stand.
The funny thing is that she apologized for the worn can, and was surprised when I asked her if it would be okay for me to keep the peonies in the can as a vase...she had been intending to freshly paint it!...oh silly Peggy, the charm is extended in the vase BECAUSE of the worn spots :)
So the flowers are now gracing my counter ledge and I am celebrating my sweet friend who would bring over flowers for no reason...and my soul is refreshed, just by gazing at them.
And in perfect Peggy form, they were nestled in a chipped Chicken Broth Can that she had painted a lovely shade of Robin's Egg Blue. She must have painted it long ago because as it sits now, there are lovely worn spots of the silver can peaking through in a random pattern that only a well worn vase can show. She uses these cans to display the pretty blooms in her roadside stand.
The funny thing is that she apologized for the worn can, and was surprised when I asked her if it would be okay for me to keep the peonies in the can as a vase...she had been intending to freshly paint it!...oh silly Peggy, the charm is extended in the vase BECAUSE of the worn spots :)
So the flowers are now gracing my counter ledge and I am celebrating my sweet friend who would bring over flowers for no reason...and my soul is refreshed, just by gazing at them.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
ice cream

Today was one of those rare days in and sunny with no breeze in sight!
and did we take the time to enjoy bet we did!
And how did we celebrate?! doing nothing in particular, but enjoying it!
So when I came across this picture from way back when...I couldn't help but remember....
...just how much celebration can be in the ordinary, nothing really special, but OH! what a great idea...kind of moments that make up our day....and have made them up for years, if only we take the time to this day was nobody's birthday....not a banquet in sight, and no red letters on the calendar...not anything more than a quiet night at home, a bowl of ice cream with dad...and some film in the camera!
Ah, this is how memories are scoop at a time! cream anyone?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Granny's sampler
There's love in every stitch...I wish I knew just when mom made this, but my best guess is that it was somewhere @ 1952...when she was expecting the birth of her first born.
I know that dad made the frame, and together they created what is the only remaing piece of our handcrafted nursery art.
She couldn't have known then that she would be the mother of five heathly children, or that she would have three sons and two daughters.
She couldn't have known then how very much this lovely piece of stamped embroidery would comfort her children and create "home" wherever the army would station the young family. Long after we had need of a nursery in our home, this lovely piece of art always found it's way to the end of the "bedroom hallway"...doesn't every home have one of those?
She couldn't have known then just what a comfort it would give this daughter in those tender moments when she misses her mother the most, what a sweet comfort it is to be so near to the very same canvas that her hands once labored share once again beyond the constraints of time, a moment with mom.
Perhaps she was only passing the time, but in her activitity she provided beauty...she created a timeless treasure for my soul.
I love you mom.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thirteen Years Ago...
It was 13 years ago on April 24, 1996 when I got the call...but first let me step back...
This is my mother's watch...simple and unadorned. It's a working watch, not a fancy dress watch. It isn't self winding, or battery's a simple, wind it yourself watch with a clean face, a sweeping second hand, and a twisted and well worn stretch band. And I love it!
I love it because in many ways, it is so like my mother.
I love it because in many ways, it is so like my mother.
My mother's hands were always busy...baking, weeding, sewing, washing, tending, holding and fixing. My mother never spent any time in a manicure chair...and I don't ever remember my mother even having her nails polished.
Every Easter of my childhood, I can remember my sister and I having our nails polished...we would get pink nail polish on our stubby little fingers and mom would call it good until the next Easter Sunday. You might think we would have replayed the ritual for Christmas, but for some reason, it was reserved only for Easter...but this day was neither Easter nor Christmas.
The week began with a birthday celebration on April 21, 1996, when mom took Steven out for his "breakfast with Granny"...just like she had done every year since the boys were old enough to eat alone...down to Mrs. Turner's they went for their special time together. She was going to wait until she came home from her trip back East, but then thought better of it, put off her packing, and went to breakfast. I can only imagine how special that was for the two of them. Mom liked to spend some one-on-one time with her precious grandson, and for Steven to have some time away from the "little brothers" and have some quality "just for me" time with Granny...and pancakes, don't forget the pancakes and cocoa!
On Wednesday, April 24, 1996 I took mom to the airport for her annual trip back East to visit with Dan & David & Marybeth. She would spend a glorious couple of weeks with them and I would pick her up from the airport and we again would have her all to ourselves.
The day went on normal enough and soon it was 5 pm and time to be heading for mid week church, Bible Quiz for Steven and Royal Rangers for Danny & Billy and Bible Study for me. Marc was on a business trip, I think it was to San Antonio.
Our dinner was relaxed and soon we were headed out the door, running just a tiny bit later than we would like when the phone rang...and I answered...thinking it would be Marc and risking running just a little late in order to chat with him. Steven's Quiz coaches would understand our delay.
But the phone call wasn't Marc, it was my brother,Dan....all the way from Virginia. "There's been an acident", thinking Mom must have fallen and maybe broken a leg, my mind raced to figure out where I would get a wheelchair to pick her up when she returned. But it wasn't her leg, "Mom's gone".
I couldn't wrap my mind around it...gone? how could she be gone? I had just put her on the plane, she was the healthest person I knew. He must be mistaken, there had to be some other explaination. He must be confused, he must mean some other mom.
In the moments and the days, months, and years that have now followed that hollowing moment, the truth is that yes, she is gone, but she is not forgotten.
Every Easter of my childhood, I can remember my sister and I having our nails polished...we would get pink nail polish on our stubby little fingers and mom would call it good until the next Easter Sunday. You might think we would have replayed the ritual for Christmas, but for some reason, it was reserved only for Easter...but this day was neither Easter nor Christmas.
The week began with a birthday celebration on April 21, 1996, when mom took Steven out for his "breakfast with Granny"...just like she had done every year since the boys were old enough to eat alone...down to Mrs. Turner's they went for their special time together. She was going to wait until she came home from her trip back East, but then thought better of it, put off her packing, and went to breakfast. I can only imagine how special that was for the two of them. Mom liked to spend some one-on-one time with her precious grandson, and for Steven to have some time away from the "little brothers" and have some quality "just for me" time with Granny...and pancakes, don't forget the pancakes and cocoa!
On Wednesday, April 24, 1996 I took mom to the airport for her annual trip back East to visit with Dan & David & Marybeth. She would spend a glorious couple of weeks with them and I would pick her up from the airport and we again would have her all to ourselves.
The day went on normal enough and soon it was 5 pm and time to be heading for mid week church, Bible Quiz for Steven and Royal Rangers for Danny & Billy and Bible Study for me. Marc was on a business trip, I think it was to San Antonio.
Our dinner was relaxed and soon we were headed out the door, running just a tiny bit later than we would like when the phone rang...and I answered...thinking it would be Marc and risking running just a little late in order to chat with him. Steven's Quiz coaches would understand our delay.
But the phone call wasn't Marc, it was my brother,Dan....all the way from Virginia. "There's been an acident", thinking Mom must have fallen and maybe broken a leg, my mind raced to figure out where I would get a wheelchair to pick her up when she returned. But it wasn't her leg, "Mom's gone".
I couldn't wrap my mind around it...gone? how could she be gone? I had just put her on the plane, she was the healthest person I knew. He must be mistaken, there had to be some other explaination. He must be confused, he must mean some other mom.
In the moments and the days, months, and years that have now followed that hollowing moment, the truth is that yes, she is gone, but she is not forgotten., thirteen years ago, on April 24, 1996 at 5:10pm I got the call, my mother was gone. She died from a massive heart attack as she was walking off the plane in Washington, DC.
So, can today really be a day of Celebration?....of course it can!
In the midst of the sadness of a broken heart, I celebrate my mother and all that she means to me. Today is the celebration of the day when she went HOME. One moment she was walking down a jetway and in the next instant, she was standing in Eternity, worshipping her Savior with parents, and siblings, her beloved Julian, and precious Paul Michael...together again.
And one day, I will see her again and join that happy throng. There will be no more need for watches, plain, fancy or otherwise. It will be as though no time at all has past.
And that will be the greatest celebration day of them all. No more tears, no more pain, no more parting...forever!
I love you Mom...and I will see you in the morning!
So, can today really be a day of Celebration?....of course it can!
In the midst of the sadness of a broken heart, I celebrate my mother and all that she means to me. Today is the celebration of the day when she went HOME. One moment she was walking down a jetway and in the next instant, she was standing in Eternity, worshipping her Savior with parents, and siblings, her beloved Julian, and precious Paul Michael...together again.
And one day, I will see her again and join that happy throng. There will be no more need for watches, plain, fancy or otherwise. It will be as though no time at all has past.
And that will be the greatest celebration day of them all. No more tears, no more pain, no more parting...forever!
I love you Mom...and I will see you in the morning!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Happpy Birthday, Danny! ~ 25 years
Hooray for Birthdays, our personal days of celebration!
Is there anything better than a cake with our name it? Here one sits ready for the celebrating to begin!
This little lion has certainly heard his share of Happy Birthday choruses over his 50+ years of being in our family's drawer of birthday treasures. He was originally a part of a larger group of circus animals. At one time there were giraffes, donkeys, and elephants, but now only a few of the herd remain. One by one I rotate them through the cake parade at our house. They never disappoint and are always in style. Other themes may come and go, but the vintage blue birthday parade lives on. Thank you mom! What a sweet touch of childhood this little candle holder is.
We can find cards on the shelves of the grocery store. There are stacks of every kind...funny, serious, sentimental, religious, name it, it's there. But, I think the best cards of all are the cards with your name on the envelope! Early, late, or right on time...there's nothing like a little love in an envelope that you can hold on to and tuck away to re-read over and over again.
We set the scene for our birthday celebrating with the china plates and silver forks.
Tonight we use the china we got when Marc and I were married. Not alot of fussiness about them, and not alot of fan fare went in to their choosing. The thought of registering for the fine china at the mall was a little too high brow for us. You know the kind, the ones that are bought one place setting at a time. And even if we could settle on one set, who did we know who would spend that kind of money on a set of dishes? No, we found these beauties all packed and ready to go home with us. We bought the entire set for @ $40...back in the day. And 33 years later they still have a way of turning a special day into a celebration.
The silver belonged to my parents, Granny & Papa :) When we seperated the household treasures after my mother died, the set became mine. So many special tables of my childhood have been set with these forks. And so many more will be set in the years to come.
In our family, choosing the dinner is the Birthday tradition. My favorite meal was always my mom's homemade pizza. There was something about the crispy crust, hand grated cheese, summer sausage and special sauce ~ I do miss those pizzas! But mom didn't leave behind a recipe. The making of the pizza was an automatic for her. She made it all from memory, there no need for a recipe card. Yet now, there is no way to duplicate it. Still I keep searching for the elusive pizza recipe with the unique combination of everything wonderfully familiar!
For Danny, the dinner of choice was, hands down, Olive Garden lasagna, and Black Tie Mousse Cake. Yummy!
What gift do you get for the brother who has everything? Billy gave to Danny the sweetest gift of all...Swedish fish and Snickers! If it really is the thought that counts, then this is one sweet thought!
When you put all the pieces together, you have "Happy Birthday! Danny" Light the candle, we are ready to begin!
....blow out the candle and make a wish!
May all your wishes come true :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Red Envelope Day, March 31, 2009

Facebook is an amazing tool. Through it I have been able to stay in touch with family and friends who live far from me. In an instant I can "chat" with them, see their posted pictures, and hear what is going on in their lives. Through it we can connect with our communities in ways we never could before, we can become fans of scattered causes and attend "events" that would be impossible to attend given cost and distance restrictions.
Red Envelope Day is one such event. I don't even remember now which one of my friends "invited" me, but I do know that since the day I responded, I have been waiting for today. I prepared my envelope, glued it shut, and added a stamp...and waited for today.
Today we could join across the miles to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves. They asked us to address an empty red envelope to the President of the United States..and on the outside write...."This envelope represents one child who died because of an abortion. It is empty because the life that was taken is now unable to be part of our world."
They asked us to mail them out on March 31, 2009, "Red Envelope Day" as a sign to the President that life is precious, that abortions are murder, and that we really do still care for the life of the unborn. So from all corners of the country our envelopes have made their way to Washington, DC to the doorstep of the President. Little red envelopes, on their own, perhaps no grand deal....but one by one, they have added up to thousands sent and that is quite an event!
Strange sort of celebration at first blush. But in the end of it all, we know that Jesus does love the little children, that He died for all the little children and that He Lives! for all the little children.
And THAT message of His salvation to all of His children is the best Celebration of them all!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Like Father...Like Son
Children are like kites.
You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.
You run with them until you’re both breathless
...they crash - you add a longer tail
...they hit the rooftop - you pluck them out of the spout patch and comfort, adjust and teach.
You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they’ll fly!
...Finally they are airborne, but they need more string and you keep letting it out.
With each twist of the ball of twine, there is a sadness that goes with the joy
because the kite becomes more distant.
Somehow you know that it won’t be long before that beautiful creature will snap the life line that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soar--
-- free and alone.
And how wonderful it is to watch our children soar!
When Steven was five months old he began to intermittently suck on his fingers in this peculiar way. Peculiar to me, because I had only been a thumb sucker, as had my siblings. I guess it never really occurred to me that children would do otherwise. Apparently, we were from a generation without pacifiers...a community of thumb-suckers :)
At first, we grabbed the camera at every opportunity, to catch him being cute. As had become our custom, we took him to get "official" monthly pictures. We would display the newest pose on our walls and send copies to the relatives to ooh and ahh over...that was back before the days of instant email and jpegs, we used to actually mail a photograph.
Now with myspace, facebook, smileboxes and blogs....we have more electronic shots and fewer hard copies laying around the house. Which is neither an altogether bad, nor a completely good thing. On the one hand when our computer crashes, we must set about to restore all the lost files, and on the other hand we can access the shots across the miles without the worry of dog-eared corners :)
I took him in for his "official" nine month photo at the JC Penney's Studio at the Tacoma Mall. Imagine my delight when under a cowboy hat of red...right in the middle of the "shoot", he went for his favorite fingers.
The photographer tried all of her tricks to get him to stop the distraction. But I asked her to please take the shot, for us it was the perfect pose. Oh, he grew out of the phase soon enough. In the midst of pictures with bears and balls, trophies and silly faces, this moment in time has stood the test of time.
A simple trip to the mall...and a sleepy little boy.
That little boy in a red cowboy hat grew up to be the father of my first grandson. And one sweet day, 26 years later, in a room filled with the Ohio sun...without even knowing it...Blake struck a perfect pose.
You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.
You run with them until you’re both breathless
...they crash - you add a longer tail
...they hit the rooftop - you pluck them out of the spout patch and comfort, adjust and teach.
You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they’ll fly!
...Finally they are airborne, but they need more string and you keep letting it out.
With each twist of the ball of twine, there is a sadness that goes with the joy
because the kite becomes more distant.
Somehow you know that it won’t be long before that beautiful creature will snap the life line that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soar--
-- free and alone.
And how wonderful it is to watch our children soar!
When Steven was five months old he began to intermittently suck on his fingers in this peculiar way. Peculiar to me, because I had only been a thumb sucker, as had my siblings. I guess it never really occurred to me that children would do otherwise. Apparently, we were from a generation without pacifiers...a community of thumb-suckers :)
At first, we grabbed the camera at every opportunity, to catch him being cute. As had become our custom, we took him to get "official" monthly pictures. We would display the newest pose on our walls and send copies to the relatives to ooh and ahh over...that was back before the days of instant email and jpegs, we used to actually mail a photograph.
Now with myspace, facebook, smileboxes and blogs....we have more electronic shots and fewer hard copies laying around the house. Which is neither an altogether bad, nor a completely good thing. On the one hand when our computer crashes, we must set about to restore all the lost files, and on the other hand we can access the shots across the miles without the worry of dog-eared corners :)
I took him in for his "official" nine month photo at the JC Penney's Studio at the Tacoma Mall. Imagine my delight when under a cowboy hat of red...right in the middle of the "shoot", he went for his favorite fingers.
The photographer tried all of her tricks to get him to stop the distraction. But I asked her to please take the shot, for us it was the perfect pose. Oh, he grew out of the phase soon enough. In the midst of pictures with bears and balls, trophies and silly faces, this moment in time has stood the test of time.
A simple trip to the mall...and a sleepy little boy.
That little boy in a red cowboy hat grew up to be the father of my first grandson. And one sweet day, 26 years later, in a room filled with the Ohio sun...without even knowing it...Blake struck a perfect pose.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Important moments

The real milestones are less prepossessing.
They come to the door of memory unannounced...and simply never never leave.
Our lives are measured by these."
--Susan B.Anthony.
Every day we get 1,440 of them, we set our clocks by them, catch the bus by them, and count down the day by them...they are minutes, and the longer we live, the more precious they are.
But it really isn't the minutes that I celebrate. What I love about the day are the moments, and every day there are countless of them:
...When the lilacs set their first bud...when the snow begins to melt...when you find a penny on the ground (see a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck!)...when the first star appears...and on...and on...and on it goes, from the moment we wake until the last little sleepy eye closes.
It's good to be reminded that though we prepare for the big things, fill our calendars with them and mark our years by the passing of them...what really makes up the sum of our life are the moments of celebration that fill our day, and catch us by surprise.
Go out of your way to invest in making a new friend, and you will find they have become a treasured old one.
Take the time to pick up a magazine~even if only to look at the pictures ~ and soon you will have a new pasttime to fill those minutes spent waiting in any number of places that the day takes you...from appointments, to plane trips, and sometimes even waiting to have your named called for jury duty :)
Listen for the birds first song of the day, watch for the first blossoms on the apple tree, wait for mailman to bring you the day's greetings...there are countless moments of celebration just ahead of you...wait for for them...
...they are the moments worth celebrating!
Treasure the moments that find you, your journey is your treasure in the making!
But it really isn't the minutes that I celebrate. What I love about the day are the moments, and every day there are countless of them:
...When the lilacs set their first bud...when the snow begins to melt...when you find a penny on the ground (see a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck!)...when the first star appears...and on...and on...and on it goes, from the moment we wake until the last little sleepy eye closes.
It's good to be reminded that though we prepare for the big things, fill our calendars with them and mark our years by the passing of them...what really makes up the sum of our life are the moments of celebration that fill our day, and catch us by surprise.
Go out of your way to invest in making a new friend, and you will find they have become a treasured old one.
Take the time to pick up a magazine~even if only to look at the pictures ~ and soon you will have a new pasttime to fill those minutes spent waiting in any number of places that the day takes you...from appointments, to plane trips, and sometimes even waiting to have your named called for jury duty :)
Listen for the birds first song of the day, watch for the first blossoms on the apple tree, wait for mailman to bring you the day's greetings...there are countless moments of celebration just ahead of you...wait for for them...
...they are the moments worth celebrating!
Treasure the moments that find you, your journey is your treasure in the making!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
United States Army Transport
Pretty simple isn't it?....nothing grand, or fancy, and yet somehow it has survived.
It very well began it's life with our family in Anchorage, Alaska shortly after Mom & Dad were married in 1949. From there the boxes were crated and moved to the Presido in San Francisco, California...then to Ft. Mead, Maryland....on to an international move to Munich, Germany, back to the states with a year at Ft. Belviour, Virginia...and on to what would become our final military post.
As we packed up the station wagon, and hooked up the trailer for our cross country move back one more time to the Presidio in San Francisco, California, in all the packing and unpacking, it was still there.
There were treasured dolls, bikes, games, and books, that did not survive my childhood or make the final weight limits for the military move. Those treasures were left behind and given to friends, such was~and possibly, still is~life as a military family.
When Dad retired from the US Army and we packed for the last time to move, for one last time...we were finally civilians...on our own to go when and where we pleased, when we unpacked in Puyallup, was there.
Sometime later, after the we kids were grown and gone from our childhood home, Mom and Dad "downsized"...and the fork became mine. Mom brought it over to me one day and handed it to me, unceremoniously simple. She simply stated, "It's yours now."
I don't really know if there were ever any other USAT forks. I asked mom once, and she had sort of lost track if there had been...I guess in the raising of a family, forks aren't high on a priority list :)
There were a couple of other pieces of "mess hall" silverware that survived the journey...there is a serving spoon, as well as a teaspoon in my kitchen drawer, but neither of those pieces held the charm for me, like this particular fork.
There are other forks in my kitchen...forks that match a pattern of silverware lined neatly in a tray in the kitchen drawer, forks from my my mother's silver set that graces our table on special occasion meals. There are plastic forks, and mismatched forks, but this is MY fork :)
This is the fork I reach for, look for and search for, when a recipe calls for me to "stir in with a fork" any number of ingredients. This is the fork I use when I am making the crust for pumpkin pie, tea rings for Christmas, or scones on any given Saturday. On any ordinary day, for any ordinary purpose, any number of forks will do.
Whether the kitchen is a hive of activity, or I am the solitary chef...the stage for celebrating has been set. This is the fork that declares by my using it, "This occasion is a Celebration!"
Yes, THIS is the fork I reach for...look for..and will actually search for. This is the fork of my childhood.
Some day I will tell you about my favorite plate :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St Patrick's Day!
My grandmother, Elizabeth Anna Lustman was born on April 30, 1894, in Glencoe Minnesota. She died when I was 14 years old, on April 30, 1971, (yes, she was exactly 77 years old) in Puyallup, Washington. She was a German Lutheran. I knew her...I wish I could have had the time to know her better.
How they ever got together in the first place, living in a city divided by ethnic and religious lines, is a love story all it's own...but for today, when all the world is Irish, I am glad that this piece of art is a piece of my heritage and now hangs in my family room. Their love story is for another time. Today is a day for celebrating all things Irish...linens, china, shamrocks...and blessings!
May God grant you always...A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been. The foresight to know where you are going. And the insight to know when you have gone too far.
May those who love us, love us; and those who don't love us, may God turn their hearts; and if he doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping.
May God give you...for every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.
May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten.
May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May the sun shine all day long, everything go right and nothing wrong. May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you wish come true!
May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us, may the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us. Be always ours this day and for evermore - St. Patrick
And perhaps the best loved Irish blessing, quoted and posted, and made into cards...
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Blessings to you and all those you love :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Tiny Treasure
My mother was a registered nurse. For my childhood years she was "mom". Tending to her five young charges at home kept her busy enough...sewing, cooking, and stretching dad's paycheck was more than enough to fill her days.
It was not one of the bright and shiny nursing homes in the city, in fact, it was probably one of the oldest facilities in town. It began it's life as the city hospital and was "repurposed" when the new hospital in town was built on the hill. My mother thrived there :)
My sister's first job was as a nurses aid with mom~she went on to become a registered nurse. My first job was as the weekend dishwasher when I was in college~I did not go on to become a chef! Still we all saw something special about being in that small "family" of care givers.
My mother loved the residents in that rickety old facility...she loved singing her quirky little songs with them, telling them silly stories, and caring for them with dignity in the final days of their life. She would visit with family members and give them the confidence that their loved ones were not abandoned there, and they would call her their "angel." It was a good place to be.
My mother did many things very well. One of those things was to gently remind her resident friends of the changing seasons by changing the pin she wore on her uniform lapel. It's a simple thing really, but when you no longer mark off the days by appointments on the calendar, and one season runs lazily into the next, what sweeter way to make note of the passing of time.
My mother wore many pins, none of great worth, but all of great value. She wore pins that signaled the beginning of the Western Washington Fair, a daffodil for the spring, a smiley face for the summer, but among all her adornments...a red sleigh for Christmas and a plastic shamrock St. Paddy's Day pin were her favorites.
If pins could talk, and sometimes, through the magic of the day, I think they just could ~ this one would tell of the smiles that were seen as mom sang her Irish tunes through the halls of the nursing home. For the residents that have gone home before, and for this daughter that longs for those yesterdays, that tiny treasure remembers her well!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Jean Eveline Connelly Cottrell
She was born on September 18, 1924, in Glencoe, Minnesota, to Edward and Elizabeth Connelly. The baby in a family of five children, she has three older sisters: Ruby, Alice and Myrtle, and one older brother, LeRoy.
Through the perils of the Great Depression, the family moved from Minnesota to make a home in Puyallup, Washington...but not without sacrifice.
It became necessary for the two oldest girls to remain in Minnesota with extended family and to finish schooling while the "little ones" were packed up for the journey to the unknown city. Like so many families, the course they thought their life would be taking, was now forever interrupted and changed. With nothing but the hope of work, they arrived to the new home.
Jean didn't realized she came from a "poor family"...she delighted in the simple pleasures of life and understood the reality of making ends meet...of making do, or doing without. She went on to graduate from Puyallup High School and St. Jo's School of Nursing and began working as a Registered Nurse...finding work in Alaska, she too, left home. She told me that in those days young women were either teachers or nurses, and she didn't like school that much.
I wish I could have known her when she was young...but by the time I came into her life, many years had passed.
She married Julian Stearns Cottrell on November 25, 1949, at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Puyallup, Washington. Together they had five children: Daniel Edward (named after her father), David Harry (named after his father), Mary Elizabeth (named after her mother), Beverly Jean (named after herself), and Thomas Jay (named after her husband).
She loved to smile, and key or on ~ actual words or words of her own making. She always made time to listen, to stories, to jokes, and to dreams. She taught her children the value of hard work, she modeled for them tenderness, and patience; and she gently led them by example into the life they would need to go...and in the end of it all, truth be told, she simply loved life.
The closer the calendar pages turned to March 17...the more her Irish came out. All things Irish were celebrated in March...shamrocks, dinner of corn beef and cabbage, cream puffs tinted with green food coloring all the while the music of old albums of old Dennis Day floated through the air.
I know that everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day...but how blessed am I, that this lovely little "Irish lass" grew up to be my mother :) I am Beverly, and I proudly carry her name.
My mother went Home on Wednesday afternoon, April 24, 1996...I like to think that somewhere on the streets of Heaven, my mother and father are resting in perfect peace, with families now reunited and the struggles of this life long since past.
I can picture her now as she holds her grandson, Paul Michael, by his hand, and together they skip through that beautiful city singing just whatever song she pleases while her Irish eyes smile.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
But the nothing soon gave way to the everything...and I found myself in the middle of a wharehouse parking lot, dodging raindrops, and joining in the celebration of the rituals of ordinary Saturdays.
Together we wander the aisles, looking for the bargains, the surprises, the "must haves", and the "can't do withhouts"!
We collect our portions and return home to place our bundles on pantry shelves, in garage freezers and a lucky few ingredients make their way straight to our ovens...and just like that we are home, back where our day began.
We see again those precious faces that were our very reason for venturing out into the world of gathering and lifting, coaxing and manuevering groceries from well stocked shelves to trunks of cars.
Home again...what a simply grand celebration!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Some of our celebrations are grand events. We run to the store and purchase just the right gift, to wrap and beribbon, and tuck away until the exact right moment when we can present our treasure that will surely touch a heart and make a memory. Then we look forward to our next opportunity to repeat the process...sometimes with dreading, but most times with joy.
Whether we want them to or not, the calendar makers will keep track of the "big" days for us. Yet most of our celebrations are far more quiet, and personal. The dates in red letters that we add to our calendars. There are no rows of cards waiting for us to happen upon because Hallmark hasn't found the market for them...yet. Still, these personal moments...oh, these are the quiet moments that when added together make up our life!
In every day there is time for a Celebration!
In every day there is time for a Celebration!
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