There's love in every stitch...I wish I knew just when mom made this, but my best guess is that it was somewhere @ 1952...when she was expecting the birth of her first born.
I know that dad made the frame, and together they created what is the only remaing piece of our handcrafted nursery art.
She couldn't have known then that she would be the mother of five heathly children, or that she would have three sons and two daughters.
She couldn't have known then how very much this lovely piece of stamped embroidery would comfort her children and create "home" wherever the army would station the young family. Long after we had need of a nursery in our home, this lovely piece of art always found it's way to the end of the "bedroom hallway"...doesn't every home have one of those?
She couldn't have known then just what a comfort it would give this daughter in those tender moments when she misses her mother the most, what a sweet comfort it is to be so near to the very same canvas that her hands once labored share once again beyond the constraints of time, a moment with mom.
Perhaps she was only passing the time, but in her activitity she provided beauty...she created a timeless treasure for my soul.
I love you mom.